Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ryder Clark to Wrestle at NIACC

Ryder Clark signed to Wrestle at NIACC on Friday. Ryder's parents, West Hancock coach Mark Sanger and NIACC coach Steve Kelly were on hand for the signing.  Ryder had a great career as an Eagle and will head to college as a Trojan.  Good luck Ryder!

Ryder with his parents, Coach Kelly and Coach Sanger

Ryder with Coach Kelly and Coach Sanger

Fine Arts

March and April have had many great opportunities for our fine arts departments to show off their talents!

Our Coffee House Concert was excellent as our band and Chorus did selections from famous movies.  The music was great and you could really tell the students had fun with their pieces!

The Speech Showcase was great entertainment as our students Pigged Out!  My two little girls still randomly shout out "I don't like Ham!" from time to time.  It was a very fun night!

The drama department took us back into the sixties last weekend with "Groovy!" It was a great show and the kids did a fabulous job!  The live music was a great addition to our program this year!

The band and chorus had their small group competitions this weekend.  I do not have results, but will post them when I do.  Great job guys!

Congratulations to all of our fine arts performers!

Kellie Schmit signs with Waldorf

Kellie Schmit has signed to play basketball with the Waldorf Warriors. Kellie's parents, West Hancock Coach Paul Sonius and Waldorf Coach Denny Jerome were all here for the signing.  Kellie had a very nice career at West Hancock and we wish her all the best in college!  Great job Kellie!

Kellie with her parents, Mr. Sonius and Waldorf Coach Denny Jerome