Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Hall of Pride Scrimmage

West Hancock hosted the Iowa Hall of Pride Scrimmage with Algona on Saturday November 19th.  Proceeds from the event were donated to The Iowa Hall of Pride, The Britt Food Bank and The Britt Community Holiday Dinner.  In conjunction with the event a cothing drive was held and the clothes were donated to the Kossuth County Care Team. Thank you to all of the participants and patrons for making this a great event!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Students of the Month!

This year we have changed our student of the month program to be more focused on two individual students who are doing great things in and out of the classroom.  I would like to announce the winnners for the months of September and October.


Junior - Nathan Aitchison and Freshman - Thomas Nelson

October - Senior Marcy Mayland and Junior - Kevin Tlach


Monday, November 21, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

It is Thanksgiving week! We will have an early dismissal on Wednesday and no school on Thursday and Friday.

We are into the second week of Hex 3. Report cards on line should be updated and if there were any incomplete grades, they should be updated by the end of today. As a reminder, the semester ends before Christmas break and semester tests will be on December 22nd and 23rd.

Congratulations to the football team on a great season. Getting to the state finals was an awesome accomplishment and the boys did great! Congratulations to coach Sanger on his 300th victory. He has had a wonderful career here at West Hancock. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get to 300 wins. But I'm sure coach would tell you he couldn't have done it without the support of the community and the efforts of many individuals over the years.

We will be having our High School parent advisory meeting on Wednesday November 30th at 5:15 in the high school library. If you have not attended one of these in the past do not be afraid to stop in. We usually have around 5-7 parents but I would be happy to have more. I usually have an update on things going on in the high school and we have time for parent questions and concerns. I will post the minutes from our meeting on one of my blog posts.

This week is the week to give thanks and I would like to share a few things I am thankful for as we continue through the school year:

 I am thankful.....

- we have a large percenatge of our students who are hard working and dedicated to their success in  academics and extra curricular activities

- that we have a good number of students taking classes trhough our academies, on line courses and other means to challenge themselves and earn college credit

- that the one to one computer initiative has been a success at the high school
- we have teachers trying new and different things every day to engage students in the classroom

 - we have such a supportive community at West Hancock for all of our academic and extra curricular activities

 - that our new new staff have transitioned well into our school
- that those peopled who have changed positions in our district have found success in their new positions

- that we will have air conditioning this spring

- that so many people have been happy with our new bathrooms

- and most of all - That the students, staff, parents and community members continue to work very hard to sustain and build an excellent "Learning Community" for resdidents of the West Hancock Community School District!

I could go on and on, but I just wanted to share some of the great things that are happening in our district! Have a great holiday and enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend!

Friday, November 18, 2011

West Hancock vs. Lisbon for the State Championship

Good luck to the Eagle football team as they head to the UNI Dome to play in the state championship game!  Go Eagles!

We hope to have a "Sea of Red" today at the dome.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Eagles are Soaring!

What a week to be an Eagle!  The football team defeated Madrid 48-38 to reach the state finals. The drama department presented Grease on Saturday and Sunday and it was a great show.  We had almost 400 people attend the show.  It was a very exciting weekend!

Thursday was the end of Hex 2.  Report cards will be available on line on Wednesday.  Please remember that the hex grade is just a progress report.  Hex 1 rolls into hex 2 and so on.  Students do have until Thursday to turn in any late work from Hex 2.  Please remind your students of this.  If your son or daughter has an incomplete it is bercause of missing assignments. 

We will be doing an advisory scavenger hunt on Thursday.  Students will be working in groups to find clues and send picture messages back to the facilitators.  This will be agreat chance to build team work, higher order thinking skills, and good rapport in our advisory groups.

We will be having a pep rally at 2:50 for the football team in the high school gym.  That night the football team will eat in the high school lunch room at 5:00.  There will be a community pep rally after the supper at 7:00 in the high school gym.

Good luck to our football team on Friday.  Kick off is at 2:05.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Weekend Activities

Congratulations to the Eagle football team on their victory over Gehlen!  They will play Madrid on Friday November 11th in the UNI Dome at 1:30.

Good luck to our competition cheerleading squad tomorrow!

My day as a student!

On November 2nd, I headed out into the school to take part in eight classes.  I tried to pick eight different classes based on grade level and subject.  This was a lot of fun and I got a realistic view of how our school functions every day in the most important place - The Classroom.

1st period - Mrs. Lang's government class

Mrs. Lang's students were learning about Gerrymandering. We got up and moved around as she explained how districts could be unfairly and illegally set up to give one group or party an advantage.

They also discussed how Congress is made up and what the powers of Congress are.  The students took notes on their lap tops.

On a side note, Mrs.Lang had the students in Government e mail current legislators and ask some questions.  One student had already received a response and it was from Tom Hancock, the state Senator from my home district. It's a small world!

2nd period - Mr. Francis' Exploring Tech Class

We started this class off with a quiz.  My knowledge of tools is not as good as some of our students. The students seem to do pretty well on this quiz.  Mr. Francis was checking the knowledge the students had of all the different tools.  After the quiz the students began working on their different projects.  See the great pictures below.

3rd period - America At War - Mr. Clark

This is a new class this year and I was excited to see how things were going.  The class began by watching part of film about the Mexican American War.  There was good information about the generals and battles as the United States took on Mexico.  Mr. Clark was able to use his overhead projector and computer to project the film on his overhead screen.  The class then used their lap tops to answer questions about the Mexican American War.  Mr. Clark had loaded the documents to Sharepoint and the students had information sources to draw from in order to answer questions about the film and the war.  Check out these students working together with their laptops.

4th period - English 9 - Mrs. Winter

Mrs. Winter is our new English teacher.  Our freshmen are reading Animal Farm.  I was able to join a group and read Chapter 2 of Animal Farm.  Thanks to Nicole and Logan for allowing me to be in your group! The students worked in small learning groups as they read through the Chapter.  I'm a big fan of Animal Farm, as a history major, the ties to the Russian Revolution are very intriguing.

5th period - Independent Office Projects - Mrs. Kudej

This class was working on a business project in a virtual world.  This was a neat way to work through some of the business concepts they are working through.  Some of the students were working a graphics project for the Quarter final game against Lemars.  This class has done the programs for the whole year.  They have done a great job. Below Lance Hillenga works on his virtual job!

 6th period - American Literature - Miss T.

These students were discussing literary terms realism, regionalism and naturalism and they tied into three stories that they were reading or had read.  The class had great discussion and got into some good higher level thinking.  We also discovered what some of the records were for the coldest temperatures were in the  history of the world.  These students are reading a Jack London story on line in Miss T.s class.

7th period - Physics - Ms. Carlson

Acceleration, Velocity and Distance are all terms that were used in Physics today.  The students are figuring out problems using math and science together.  They seemed to be working well together. I figured out why I was a Social Studies teacher and not a Physics one! The students are working with challenging problems.

8th period - Biology - Mrs. Schoenwetter

The biology students were working on a lab.  They were discussing movement from high concentrations to low concentrations.  They were using the logger pros and computers to chart their results.  The students worked in groups and seemed to be doing well on the lab.

This was a great day!  It was fun to take in a whole day in the classroom and see what great things our teachers and students are doing.  Thanks to all of the teachers and students who made me feel welcome in their classrooms!