Monday, September 12, 2011

Map Testing Week!


This week we will be MAP testing.  Mr. Kronemann sent out a letter with details, so I will not get into that.  Please encourage your students to do their best on these tests.  In the HS we will be testing with the student's first period teacher.  We will run a one hour late start schedule each day.  Seniors need to report at 9:33 each day.  Wednesday will be a 2 hour early out schedule so there will not be any MAP testing. Seniors need to report at regular times.

Things have continued to go well in the high school as we enter our fourth full week of class.  Just a reminder the following options are available for your student to get extra help in any of their classes:

Success Center - 3:30 - 4:30 every night

Teacher help - 7:50 - 8:30 or 3:12 - 3:30 (at a minimum) students should make appts. with teachers
                         during these times.

Peer tutoring that will be set up through our advisory program.

Parents also have on line access to all student scores through JMC. 

Homecoming will be next week. We will begin the festivities on Sunday.  It will be a great week!

The weather has been very nice lately. Fall is my favorite season!  Have a great week!

Mr. Recker

Weekly schedule

Monday -  MAP testing - 1 hour late start
                 JV Football at BK - 6:30

Tuesday -  MAP testing - 1 hour late start
                 VB @ BK - 6:00

Wednesday - In - service -1:12 dismissal

Thursday - MAP testing - 1 hour late start
                   XC - CLear Lake - 4:15
                   VB - Lake Mills - H - 6:00

Friday -  MAP testing - 1 hour late start
              FB @ Marcus Meridan Cleghorn (school in Marcus) - 7:00

Sunday - Powder Puff Football - He Man VB 2:30