Tonight the Eagle Chapter of the National Honor Society welcomed ten new members. The National Honor Society is based on four main areas: Scholarship, Character, Service and Leadership. These students work hard to be successful in academics along with many activities. They are some of our best and brightest at West Hancock.
The group was addressed tonight by WHHS alum James Mallen D.O. Dr. Mallen is a graduate of the University of Des Moines and currently doing a residency in the Des Moines area. He spoke about many of the challenges facing our young people and the importance of setting goals. Dr. Mallen is a great example of the success that can be achieved by our students after they leave our hallowed halls. Thank you to Dr. Mallen.
Miss T. continues to be the NHS advisor. Thank you to her for efforts throughout the year and the organization of tonight's ceremony. Congratulations to all of our NHS students and especially our new inductees.
Dr. Mallen addresses the students. |
2012 New NHS inductees |
2012 NHS Members