If you have driven by the school lately, you will see a radar trailer parked north of school. In case you didn't know, the speed limit in front of school is 15 mph. I for one, have had to slow down from my normal pace to get that machine to read 15! I know several of our students are well over the 15 mph posting daily. Thanks to the Britt PD for the friendly reminder. I think we all need to think about our speed in school zones as there are students walking and people always pulling in and out of the lots. Please take this opportunity to remind your students about safe driving habits in general, but especially in school zones!
Congratulations to our Cross Country teams on a very good showing at Mason City Newman last night. The Girls were first and the boys were second. While the volleyball team came up short against Forest City, we saw some very positive things last night!
Just a reminder that play tryouts will continue Thursday before and after school!