Monday, January 21, 2013

State Speech Qualifiers

Congratulations to the State Qualifiers in Large Group Speech!  They will perform on February 2nd in Dubuque.

Choral Reading (e.e.)

Katherine Jamtgaard
Dusty Kraft
Madison Cook
Kaylee Owens
Emmorie Stokka
Natasha Peterson
Leah Christ
Alyssa Wood
Mallory Becker
Macey Harms

Radio (KTJS 92.3)

Brice Kudej
Broderick Trulson
Jordan Savoy

Ensemble Acting (VonHefflehorn)

Kaylee Owens
Kelly Anderson

Ensemble Acting (Dud Wars)

Mallory Becker
Leah Christ

Short Film (Express Yourself)

Rachel Francis
Cassi Jackson

Musical Theater (Annie)

Cassi Jackson
Katherine Jamtgaard
Alyssa Wood

Group Mime (Sneaking into the Band Room)

Kelly Anderson
Lizzy Trulson


Haley Hiscocks
Abby Paca


Tre Lehoe
Taylor Glawe

Semester Grades


Grades should all be updated and finalized for first semester.  If you go on JMC parent access and click on the report card you will find your son or daughter's final grades.  To avoid any confusion I wanted to explain something.  Some of you have asked why the final grade in the online progress report or grade book might be different than the grade on the report card.  The answer to this question is the impact of the semester test, project or assessment.  Some of the teachers included these in the grade book and some did not.  Based on weighting and how the semester test was figured, each class could be a little different.  Semester assessments can be up to 20% of the final grade, some teachers figured the final regular class grade (which you see in the online grade book) and then added the semester final on after.  For those classes you would see an exam grade and then a final grade on the report card.  I hope this clears things up. 

As always if you have concerns about a specific class or grade the teacher is the best source of information.  Don't be afraid to ask teachers about the grade, exam or anything else.


Mr. Recker