Today we had a security lock down drill. This went very well. Our teachers did a good job of handling the stressful situation. We hope nothing serious ever happens, but we want to be prepared in case it does.
In conjunction with the lock down, we had a visit from the K-9 officers in Hancock County. We do periodic random searches with the K-9 units to check for any illegal substances in our lockers and parking lots. This is a great way to raise awareness among our student body and do some preventive work for any student thinking about bringing something illegal to school. When there is a suspected locker, we have the student come out as we search the locker. We also call out the locker occupant on either side and search their locker, so three students get called out. Just because we call a student out, it does not mean they are guilty. If your child was one of the students called, you do not have anything to worry about. If you did have something to worry about, we would have already been in contact with you.
We have our second night of conferences tonight. If you did not come last night, make plans to attend tonight. If for some reason you missed conferences do not be afraid to set up a meeting with any of your student's teachers or just shoot them an e mail.
We will be on Spring Break the next few days and the weather sounds like it will be awesome! Have a restful break and we will see everyone back here on Monday.