Monday, January 16, 2012

Second Semester Off and Running!


The second semester is off to a good start.  Schedule changes were made and incompletes were completed.  It was a busy couple of days but it went well.  As I have said before this is a fresh start for each of your students.  Let's all work together to make this a great semester!

We will have an assembly on Friday.  Jarred DeVries will address the students on Friday afternoon.  He is a former Aplington Parkersburg Falcon, Iowa Hawkeye and Detroit Lion.  I'm sure he will have a great message for our students.  We will have our advisory time directly after his speech to discuss the message.

It is a busy week at West Hancock. We will host two basketball quads and a wrestling triangular.  Our Music Boosters Pancake supper will be on Friday night. They will serve from 5-7.  Please stop out and support our Music departments.

Good luck to our large group speech team as they head off to competition this weekend!

Weekly Schedule

 Monday –Board Meeting – 7:00 pm – Britt

Tuesday –B/G JV/V BB Garner – quad – H – 4:00 pm
                   WR – Algona – Osage - @ Algona


Thursday – WR – Central Springs – NK – H – 6:00 pm
                    FR BB @ Garner - 6:15

Friday  - B/G JV/V BB – Osage – H – 4:00
               Music Boosters Pancake Supper
Saturday – Large Group District Speech