Monday, March 26, 2012

Donkey Basketbal!

The West Hancock FFA sponsored a donkey basketball game on March 26th.  All proceeds went to Emergency Services in Britt and Kanawha.  The teams were made up of FFA members, WHHS Faculty, Britt Emergency Service, and Kanawha Emergency Service.  A great time was had by all.  Thanks to Mr. Hauge and the FFA for setting this up.

Busy Week


This will be a busy week.  Please make note of the following activities.

All State Speech will be today- Congratulations to our three All- State Speech performers. See previous posts for a picture.

We will be hosting Donkey Basketball tonight in our gymnasium at 7:00 pm.  The FFA students will be raising money for the Britt and Kanawha emergency services.  Tickets are $6.00 in advance and $8.00 at the door.  Please make plans to attend.

Our NHS will be inducting their new members on Tuesday night.  Congratulations to our new inductees!
This will be at the Methodist Church in Britt.

Track meets start this week.  Hard to believe we are into the spring sports events, but the weather should be nice, so that is a bonus!  Good luck to our runners, jumpers and throwers!

There will be an in-service and early out on Wednesday.

The 5th hex ends next week.  Please check with your student to see how they are progressing.  JMC parent access is always available.  Please keep up to date on your students if you have any questions.  We continue to have Success Center every night from 3:30-4:30.  This is extra help time for all students.

Students have begun meeting with Mrs. Clark regarding registration.  All students should have brought home a registration sheet so they can start picking their classes for next year.  If you have not
discussed next years classes with your student, please do so.  Once we have on line registration available we will get that up and running and students will sign up for classes.

Weekly Schedule

Monday – Donkey BB – 7:00 pm

Tuesday – NHS induction – 6:30 – Methodist Church

Wednesday –  In-service - 2 hour early out

Thursday – Girls track – Algona

Friday – Boys track – Forest City