Friday, January 27, 2012

Coaches vs. Cancer and NIC Corn Bowl Wrestling

The boys basketball team dressed for the Coaches vs Cancer night.

Tonight is the annual Coaches vs. Cancer game in the NIC.  All four locations will be doing activities and dressing in pink to support cancer research.  Our game will be at Belmond Klemme.  Throughout the last weeks we have been doing activities to raise money.  We had a change war last week that was thoroughly dominated by the elementary school students.  The high school and middle school also did a nice job.  This is a great joint effort by our conference, to battle cancer.

Tomorrow will be the first annual NIC Corn Bowl Wrestling Challenge at NIACC.  Each conference will hold its own tournament in two separate gyms beginning at 10:00 AM.  Then at 3:30 the conferences will match up in a dual format.  The Champions from each conference will wrestle each other along with the runners up, third place finishers, and fourth place finishers.  It should be some great wrestling!

Lots of positive things going on in our Conference this weekend!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Congratulations Large Group Speech State Qualifiers!

Congratulations to our large group speech state qualifiers!  They will perform on February 4th at Dubuque Senior. Musical Theatre, Choral Reading, three Group Improvs and Ensemble Acting were the events that qualified.  

Mrs. Kudej and Mrs. Gretillat are the speech coaches.

Back - Tre Lehoe, Colin Becker, Ahna Bruns, Derica Jakoubek, Brookelyn Savoy, Jenna Arkema, Taylor Glawe, Katherine Jamtgaard, Brandon Luppen.

Front - Kaylee Weiland, Marcy Mayland, Larissa Christ, Angie Lynn, Cassi Jackson, Rachel Francis, Haley Hiscocks, Krista Kruger - Missing - Paige Thompson

Monday, January 16, 2012

Second Semester Off and Running!


The second semester is off to a good start.  Schedule changes were made and incompletes were completed.  It was a busy couple of days but it went well.  As I have said before this is a fresh start for each of your students.  Let's all work together to make this a great semester!

We will have an assembly on Friday.  Jarred DeVries will address the students on Friday afternoon.  He is a former Aplington Parkersburg Falcon, Iowa Hawkeye and Detroit Lion.  I'm sure he will have a great message for our students.  We will have our advisory time directly after his speech to discuss the message.

It is a busy week at West Hancock. We will host two basketball quads and a wrestling triangular.  Our Music Boosters Pancake supper will be on Friday night. They will serve from 5-7.  Please stop out and support our Music departments.

Good luck to our large group speech team as they head off to competition this weekend!

Weekly Schedule

 Monday –Board Meeting – 7:00 pm – Britt

Tuesday –B/G JV/V BB Garner – quad – H – 4:00 pm
                   WR – Algona – Osage - @ Algona


Thursday – WR – Central Springs – NK – H – 6:00 pm
                    FR BB @ Garner - 6:15

Friday  - B/G JV/V BB – Osage – H – 4:00
               Music Boosters Pancake Supper
Saturday – Large Group District Speech

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Honor Band Participants

Congratulations to honor band participants Paige Thompson and Natasha Peterson.  They are pictured here with Band director Ms. Janel Harms. They participated in the honor band last Saturday at NIACC.

Friday January 6th - Quite a night!

On Friday the 6th of January we hosted Forest City in a quad basketball game.  It was quite a night.  In my five years at West Hancock this might have been the most crowded and busiest.  But it was a great night!

We started the night off with two JV games.  During the JV games last years seniors were my guests for some pizza and good conversation.  Each year I invite the alumni back and ask how their first year of college has gone.  We had some good discussion.  Two things that they were clear on, taking the semester assesments was a positive thing and having some post secondary options as seniors was a definite plus.  I have inlcuded some pictures of our alumni below. It was nice to see them again!

At halftime of our Girls game we had some Queens of The Court!  Thank you to these volunteers for helping the after prom committe raise quite a nice sum of money!  All funds will be used for the after prom party. 

Thanks to Gerrardo, Jon, Derek and Jacob!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year - New Semester - New Start

Tomorrow will begin the second semester.  Congratulations to all students, you have a  4.0 for the semester,  an "A" in every class. Your attitude and effort for the next eighteen weeks will determine happens to that A. 

Second Semester grades will be published this afternoon.  All Incompletes must be made up by the end of the day on Tuesday January 10th.  If your student has an Incomplete it means they are missing one or more assignments that is effecting their grade. Please encourage your student to get those assignments turned in and improve their grade.  If no additional assignments are turned in the students grade will be what is currently in the grade book.  If you have questions I would encourage you to go on line and see what scores they are missing. 

Please take a few minutes to sit down with your students and discuss how the first semester went. Talk about what could have been done differently to achieve more success or what they did to achieve the success they were hoping to.

As you sit down and reflect with your student about the previous semester, use the time to make new goals for second semester.  Talk about goals for each week, the semester, and beyond.  If you are not clear with expectations, your students will never know.  Let them know that this is a fresh start and if semester one did not go the way they would have liked, they have a chance to start over in semester two.  Goals do not have to be academic. What about these types of goals: attendance, behavior, things at home?  The more the school and the family can work together the more your student will benefit.  Please take some time to "check in" with your child as we  start the second semester.

If students have any scheduling concerns or changes they need to get those taken care of by the end of the day on Friday. After that schedules will be set for the semester.  Any questions on courses or scheduling should be directed to Mrs. Clark.

Let's work together to make it a great semester!