It is true, today is our 45th day of the semester. Half way through the semester, it is hard to believe, but it is reality. The question I am asking parents is, do you know how your child is doing in school so far. If you have not asked any questions or checked grades on line yet, now might be a good time. Report cards were posted on line at the end of Hex 1. Those students whose parents who we do not have an e mail for, had report cards given to them at school. If you want a paper copy of the report card shoot Peg an e mail or send a note with your student.
As we reach the half way point here are some interesting questions to ask about your relationship with your student and their involvement in school.
1. Do I know what classes my student is taking this semester?
2. Which classes are going well for them and which ones are a struggle?
3. Which types of classes is my student interested in and how will that play into
their future?
4. How is my child's attendance? Aside from medical problems has my student
missed a large number of days?
5. If my student is a junior or senior have we discussed the future? Career?
College? Armed Services? Working world?
6. What can I be doing to help my student be as successful as possible
in school?
Conferences are coming up on November 1st and 3rd from 4:00 - 7:45 in the high school. If you have not had contact with your student's instructors this would be a great time. We are also encouraging parents to meet with their student's advisor at conferences. The advisor - advisee relationship is an important one and this would be a chance to touch base and see how things are going. We will be hosting a career fair on Tuesday the 1st from 4-7. This would be a chance for junior and senior students and parents to learn a lot of information about college opportunities. Please make plans to attend the conferences and college fair.
We will host a college planning night on October 25th in the high school at 5:30. This will be a good chance for juniors, seniors and their parents to learn about financial aid and the FAFSA. The FAFSA is the "Free application for federal student aid" and required for anyone seeking financial aid for college. It is important that seniors get this document filled out as soon as they can during their senior year.
We have had an excellent fall here in all of our activities! Congratulations to our Volleyball, Football and Cross Country teams as they head into the post season. The cheerleaders continue to do a nice job at our games and in preparation for competition. In case you have not heard, GREASE is the word in the high school drama department. We are very excited to have our first musical in a few years. The band had a nice showing at Algona Band Days and continues to play for the football games. Our first choral concert will be Thursday night in Kanawha. Speech tryouts are taking place this week.
On a personal note, Congratulations to my brother Kevin and his new wife Katie. They were married last weekend. My brothers and I have spread out to Florida, Wisconsin and Hancock County but we still remain close and have a lot of fun when we get together. We probably get along a lot better now than we did in high school. Encourage your students to get along with their siblings and enjoy this time together. It goes by pretty quickly and soon they will all be grown up.
Have a great weekend!
Mr. Recker
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