Friday, October 5, 2012

MAP Results and Progress Reports


Today at lunch we handed out MAP results and Progress reports.  Students should bring these home for you. 

The MAP results show how the student did over the course of a few years.  The hope is that the numbers continue to go up each time the student takes the test.  If there is a fall off from Spring to fall that is understandable.  However if your student did better on the test their freshman year than their junior year a conversation about effort may be appropriate.  We did have some students re test because of very sharp drops.  If you have any questions about these results please let us know. 

We also sent copies of progress reports based on the end of the hex which was last Friday.  Peg will be sending letters home for those students who are ineligible based on this grade check.  As a reminder you and your student can always go on line to check students progress.

Parent access link:

We offer the following interventions and services for students who are falling behind or struggling:

- All teachers available from 7:50 AM until the start of school.
- All teachers available from the end of school until 3:30
- Many teachers available before and after the above posted hours by request or appointment.
- Success Center from 3:30 - 4:30 every night with a certified teacher.
- Small group study hall for those students really struggling (if you would like your student placed here please let us know and we will work with you on this)

If there are other things you feel would help your son or daughter that we can do, please let us know!  Many of our students are doing GREAT, but some are struggling and we will do everything we can to help!


Mr. Recker

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